Freddy is a Lynne and Michael Roche doll , 17 inches tall and with a full wooden body and the usual porcelain head and hands.

He is wearing his original clothing but not wig. His seller said the wig had gone vey brittle and so she replaced it.

I will look to see if I can find a better fitting wig for him, he does also have an issue with his neck, in that his head does not move. So I will see if that’s fixable.

I always like to add at least one boy, if available , to any doll collection/group I own. Sometime I cannot if no boy available or the boys just don not appeal.

Lynne and Michael do not have many boys in their collection but they are all nice looking. Freddy here reminds me of the older style antique dolls that Lynne Roche used to make reproductions of in her early days before deciding to make her own designs.

I think he’s got that toddler . young child look to him. Still with that little chubby cheeked look and peaches and cream skin.

So Freddy is the last for a while to join the Roche family of dolls, but you never know just who may come along so never say never .


Well continueing with my Lynne and Michael Roche doll collection, Hannah arrived today.

She is 20 inches with a porcelain head and hands with a full lime wood body.

She is wearing her original clothes and has beautiful red hair and pale blue eyes.

So just one more on the way and then no more unless I fall in love with her .


Today I received my newest Lynne and Michael Roche doll, Susannah.

I loved the look of this girl as soon as I saw her. She is 20 inches with the full Lime wood body.

She is wearing a lovely outfit with a small bag.

slightly closer view.

She is wearing lovely deep blue boots and long cream socks.

Lovely long wavy strawberry blonde hair.

So my collcetion of Lynne and Michael Roche dolls is increasing slowly.


One of my favourite dolls is Clementine from the A Girl For All Time range. She is dressed when you buy her in an outfit from the 1940’s. A time I have always considered to be one of beautiful fashion and style , where anyone rich or poor would look smart and stylish in the clothes of the time.

So Clemmie has mainly stayed in her !940’s outfit with only the occasional adding of a rust coloured jacket. But a couple of weeks back I purchased a beautifu linen outfit in the 1920’s style, another great clothes era.

It could only be for Clemmie, who I think looks lovely in it.

It is beautifully made by Angie of Gwendollys on Etsy. So it appears , Clemmie will be a 1920’s lass for the Spring and Summer and she can return to her beloved 1940’s in the Autumn.