Well Spring is in the air and will soon be arriving , which always makes me start to review among other things, my dolls.

So today I spent time removing all the Zwergnase dolls from their cloth bags, where I had placed them when the temperature dropped and placed them on the dressing table for a photo shoot.

I started with the biggest dolls, the 55cm dolls, here we have Miriam, Sofina and Wentje.

Here joined by Hans en Gluck

Then Miriam, Sofina and Kirsten gathered for a group photo because they are all the same sculpted and one I love.

a closer look at their faces.

Joining the other 55 cm dolls.

Next it was Feena and Ann-Marie again the same sculpt.

another close up

I then realised I’d missed one of the 55cm girl’s Betje , there was no room on the box , so she stood to the side for while.

A box was found for Betje to stand on, so she didn’t vanish behind the ever growing line of 50 cm girls. Joining now are Reesa , red hair, Venera blonde, Luna-Soley and ….. -Soley.

a closer view of Venera and the Soley sisters.

Next was Galina who also needed to stand om a small box so as not to vanish.

She is joined in front by Augustine a limited ed which the same sculpt.

Then they are joined by Rixte and Resi 45 cm girls and little Idje a 35 cm girl.

So the final group all together , Nordika with brown curly hair has joined on the back on the right hand side another 50cm girl.

Although I love them all, a few need to move one, so will be going onto the adoption list. Four are on that list but more could be added! Only time and the urge to reduce the amount of dolls will tell !


Last year I bought my first Lynne and Michael Roche doll. I had wanted one for a few years but as is the way other dolls got in the basket first.

So when I saw this girl at a fair price , I decided to take the plunge ! She arrives along with another doll from the same seller and I have to confess that apart from a quick look, she remained in her wrapping until last week.

I had decided she could go on ebay and be sold . Her name from the maker is Polly and she has porcelain arms to just above the elbows and a porcelain head, the rest of her is cloth and stuffed with small balls to aid in positioning.

She came in a knitted all in one and the a pair of big knickers you can see in the photo. It’s the stuffed body I am having issues with. It makes her appear to have no neck.

Her all in one is full of holes as she is 26 years old

I have been talking to a good friend , who also owns Lynne & Michael Roche dolls, about her and she told me she was part of a mother and child pairing and is made to sit upon the lap of the bigger dolls. She also suggested dangling her by her ankles to redistribute the filling.

So I have been trying to decide if she should stay or go ! To that end I have been redressing her using some of my other dolls clothes. in the photos above she is wearing a purple Pongratz doll dress.

A Sasha skirt and a smaller doll’s top.

I have to confess I did not even realise her hair was this vibrant red until I started paying her some attention.

This dress is meant for a Kaye Wiggs doll and made by Susan Elizabeth and I’d not actually got round to using it. I think it really suits this doll.

a closer view

She also tried on this Sasha doll cape but it’s a little tight round the neck, but something similar would I think suit her.

and here a Sasha doll shawl by Diane Duke.

So I am still undecided does she stay or does she go? At the moment I’d 60 /40 for her staying….especially seeing her sitting in this dress, she looks much more poseable …….

I will share her sister Emily , who is staying with you next.


I have owned these sweet little Daumlinchen Kathe Kruse dolls for years. They have been sharing a cabinet with my smaller dolls for the last year or two but when they said that we were going to get temperatures of minus ten overnight this week, I gathered them up along with my other small dolls and brought them into the house.

I have had a few other of these small ones who have moved on but these two always stay safe. They have their own range cooker and other pieces of furniture, which I will share another time once the weather warms, but they are going up to join their bigger , older Kathe Kruse family members.

Here they are standing with their largest brother Max.

I have been trying out this old Kathe Kruse hat I bought a while back before he arrived. I did put it on his smaller brother but cannot decide if it’s too small for Max?

Once all the dolls are unpacked again and have their new home, I’ll be able to try it on the smaller boy and him and see who it fits best, but what do you think ? too small or just right ?


Well I was not intending to buy any more dolls and especially Zwergnase ones. But I saw this doll turn up on ebay and decided for him I’d break the rule.

He is called Hans Im Gluck and is one of their , Zwergnase , Fairy Tale Collection. These are limited editions and there are only 26 of this lad.

He had already sold out before I returned to the Zwergnase collecting again, so when he appeared I decided to buy him.

I love his wild hair and his clothing especially his green cords.

So now there is a boy in the collection which is good as I had looked at the ones available last year and none appealed .

I did stand him in with a couple of his new sisters but due to just how cold they are saying it will be over the next few nights and although the studio is heated , it’s not as good as it could be, so now he and all his sisters are back in their nice warm bags and piled up indoors until the spring arrives !


Find a friendly cat!

I was doing some sorting out of bags that had been taken into the Doll studio , when I came across a bag of dolls. Some Schoenhuts and two Pongratz.

Looking round the only space was in a dolls cot, I’m making up for my granddaugther, so in they went, a bit later I happened to look across the living room and saw this!

Mabel had found the cot and decided to join the fun !

I was about to remove her when the DH said ” She’s not doing anything! why can’t she stay there!”

So since she was in the non doll covered spot, I left her , so she settled down for a nap amongst the dolls, who said she was nice and warm !