I have been looking at these mini Gotz Happy Kidz dolls for ages and after seeing Linda’s I decided that now was the time to add one to my doll collection.

I decided on Ella because she is a mini version of a bigger Happy Kidz doll I already own and I loved her dancing cat outfit.

The only thing I would say is her glasses are not a very good fit as you can see in the photo above. But she is very sweet and I an going to enjoy having her in the family.


Do you believe in fate? I have to say I do and here I will tell you an example of it.

Last week the film The Huntsman, A Winters Tale was showing on TV, I love the film , so we watched it again. While doing so I decided that the next doll I bought I would call Freya, a name I like and which the ice queen in the film was called, I also liked her hair style, which I also thought I’d try on a doll sometime.

I have been selling off a few dolls , so they have been available on my website or on ebay. A friend contacted me about one of the dolls I was selling and we got into a discussion about the doll as she had never owned one before.

It just so happened that I had just seen a doll she had just repaired and renovated and shown the work along with the completed doll on an fb group. I had thought she’d done a wonderful job and thought the doll looked gorgeous.

I mentioned that I loved the large Heubach doll she had just saved and repaired and asked how big it was. It turned out to be 28 inches.

She asked if I’d like to do a part exchange with the doll or that she had another , a Sasha doll , on an fb sale group called FREYA !!

However Freya was a slated eyed Gotz Sasha and I had already been there and done that, so I said I would do an exchange but with the Haubach doll who I would call Freya.

So here is Freya , I have never owned one of this old style dolls before , so this is a first for me and I have started with a big one!

So secondly, a few weeks back I was buying some shoes for my Sasha dolls and wanted a red pair of slipper style, I found a pair , the realised they were for a studio or course doll, a much bigger doll than a sasha. Well somehow I managed to buy the bigger doll pair in error. When they arrived I checked to see if they would fit any of my other dolls but no they were way too big.

Well this week I found them and decided I’d best put them on my blog sale page and sell them on, but kept forgetting to take the photos.

However when Freya arrived she was without any shoes , just in her socks, so I thought I’d try the shoes on her and of course they are a perfect fit!!!

So if that’s not fate !!!

She even had a nice cane chair just waiting for her and a teddy. Now I feel she needs a small table where she can entertain a teddy or two for afternoon tea.


But of course I did ! There is normally one that escapes a round up for a photo session but this time there were two !

Betsy and Merry who are both Miss Dolly Schoenhut dolls.

Betsy has had a complete repaint of her face and eyes. Whoever did the job was very talented , her eyes are wonderful

she is not in the best of health but is a very sweet doll and likes to keep house for the others. She is very much a waif, with poor hair and loose joints in places but to me she is darling.

Merry on the other hand, is completely original and is also a sleeping eyed Miss Dolly, so she is most happy to settle in bed and close her eyes and sleep. So it’s nice to have a doll who can go off to bed now and then.

She also has a sweet look to her. So they are the two I missed yesterday but apart from Merry and the ones up for adoption , they have now all got a place in a cabinet together.

Most of the dolls need a change of clothes and some need their wigs to finally be fixed on, so they will be out and about again over the coming weeks .


I decided to gather all my schoenhut dolls together for a photo shoot. Naturally I forgot all bout two of them, one of which was in the room I was taking them out of to set up the photo , only not beside the others !

These are most of the bigger dolls, all with same face sculpt.

Then some of the smaller ones who aslo have same face sculpt.

Then almost the rest , two missing.

So now I will sort out a new place for them to stand or sit and sort out those who will be up for adoption and what they will be wearing. They all need some personal time and nows the time to give it to them.

At one stage I had almost twice this amount but now they are thinning out they are getting more attention or they will be .


Because I had a move around on the cabinet shelves and also having sold off a few of my Zwergnase dolls , when I placed them back into the cabinet I was able to use the same shelf for my Natterer dolls.

So that have been able to share a shelf with the Zwergnase dolls, although poor Pierre and Alix and hidden somewhat at the back at present but I am sure there will probably be a change about over time.

I may decide to put the smaller Minouche dolls on a different shelf , being so much smaller they can easily fit on most shelves without a problem where as sharing a shelf with their big brother and sisters, stops over bigger dolls from finding a space, like my two Carpentina boys and also my Kidz and Cats dolls.

So I think they will be moving again very soon.!


Back in February I took this photo of all my Zwergnase dolls and I was very happy with them .

But like most things I started to think, did I really need that many and did I need more than one of any particular sculpt?

So I looked again at the dolls I owned and decided which ones I really loved and wanted to keep and which could be sold on to make some space.

Not being one to hang about once a decisions been made , I sold off seven of the eighteen I owned. At the time they had been put back inot their bags to store while I was sorting things out and there the remaining dolls have stayed apart from Kirsten ( who I just love ) and Augustine , whose bag I didn’t have available.

However since the beginning of the month, well yesterday, I finally started back in my doll studio to finish getting the place sorted.

So I had a move around of some of the shelves and found space for the Zwergnase to come back out of their bags and into a cabinet, where they can be seen and taken out and enjoyed.

Below is a photo of nine of them back where they can look out and see whats happening in their doll world , Augustine still needs to be added and Kirsten will stay indoors where I can see her each day.

Only problem is eleven is an uneven number… so I need buy another one or to sell one…. mmm wonder which way that will go !