I just had to have aplay with the new shop front even though its not quite ready.

The two big roche dolls are having tea.

Looks like they are having a good old catch up.

Looking through the doorway

I think it will work well


Today another doll by Lynne and Michael Roche arrived . Her name is Mary and she is one of their dolls that has a Porcelain head and hands and the rest of her is on a lime wood body.

She is 18 inches tall and looks much bigger than her sister Emily who is on a porcelain body with wooden ball joints, Emily is only 16 inches but even so looks so much more delicate than her new sister.

One of the things I loved about this doll was her pretty red based outfit. She is from the winter range and is dressed to keep warm with corderoy mittens and hat , lined in the dress fabric which is a lovely bright cheery floral in a brushed cotton.

She also wears a knitted wool waistcoat for added warmth.

Her wig is made with real hair in a dark brown and is lovely and soft, her eyes are blue glass . She is number 37/200 made in 1989.

I beleive she should come with a small bear but that’s been lost over the years, but there are plenty here for her to choose from.

I have a couple more of these dolls arriving over the next few weeks, I am really looking forward to seeing the group together once they are all here.


Those who read this blog may remember me saying how I would like a group of my A Girl For All Time dolls to be dressed for the Regency period.

Like with most of my plans, the making of their clothes is still on hold, however I did come across a wonderful outfit on a shop on Etsy this week and so was straight in to purchase it .

The lovely Regency outfit arrived Friday and today I had a chance to change one of the girls into it and take some photos.

I am so pleased with it and it is beautifully made.

I have the patterns to make this exact outfit , its just like everything else , making the commitment and starting !

I’m going to leave this girl where I can see her and hope it reminds me to get on and make outfits for my other girls

so that Mr Darcy may finally come a calling….


Emily and Polly are spending the afternoon quietly sitting in the living room.

Polly is playing with her doll .

While Emily is trying to decide which dress she wants to make herself and then which colour fabric should she have ? Red , Blue ? Floral or plain ? so much to decide !



If you follow this blog who will know my latest passion is for the doll made by the artists Lynne and Michael Roche. The dolls come in several forms. Those with cloth bodies, porcelain hands/arms and heads, those with porcelain head, arms, hands and also bodies that have wooden ball joints and then finally those with all wooden bodies along with porcelain hands and heads.

I have this photo in the catalogue for the 1993 dolls , which shows several of the same couple of dolls but in various sizes. At present I have a couple of the dolls with the porcelain bodies with the wooden ball joints but I do have on the way to me another couple who are full wooden bodied.

I am looking forward to see how posible the dolls are and will share my findings once she’s arrived and I have had a play with her. It will also be interesting to compare this more ‘modern’ wooden body to the much older Schoenhut doll body.


This is Emily another of my Lynne and Michael Roche dolls.

Her title is Emily at Christmas and she is number 4 of 6 made for Tridias back in the 1990’s. She is wearing her original clothes which include a nice warm coat with matching hat and red knitted scarf and mittens.

She came in a lovely and quite heavy wooden box, so was well protected and in fact she was hand delivered ! Excellent customer service !

Underneath her coat she wears a lovely floral smocked long sleeved dress to protect her from the winters cold.

A close up of her face.

So Emily ,along with her Lynne and Michael Roche family, need somewhere to wait while a home is found for them,

for the moment she is reading on the window seat.

I will share a few more photos as she is so pretty.

So I’ll leave her reading while I find her a temporary home , I think she’ll be content for a while…


Emma loves to sit and read to her dolls , today she’s reading Anne of Green Gables, Green is her favourite colour but today she’s wearing purple just for a change.

A closer view of her and her doll. Happy World Book Day .


Emma is an American Child doll by Lynne and Michael Roche, she is made of Porcelain with wooden ball joints which help her pose. She is actually called Emma in the green.

However her green dress is very fragile having been made of vintage fabric’s back in the early 90’s.

This is her in her original clothing, which I have removed, to wash the undergarments and to save the dress.

The back view. I believe the dress is handstitched, so I will make the replacement in the same way. However I plan to use some nice cotton so it will wear better over time.

She is a lovely example of the dolls from the 1880’s on which she is based I believe.